Archive for the ‘ week two ’ Category



Reflection - A matter of perspective

One of my biggest fears – to be given a sheet of paper and be asked to draw! To top that, make 30 different round objects. So I have to draw and think of 30 round things and do each in 10-15 secs! Now that I have faced it in the last class it doesn’t seem as scary as I had always imagined it to be. Sure I didn’t make the best doodles but they weren’t half as bad.

I am one of those who would think and think a lot and be very critical of their own ideas. This class asked us to do exactly the opposite, in a way similar to the last class where we had to stop thinking so hard for the perfect idea and start prototyping. The sheet of paper, with the drawings on it, just demonstrates our level of mental constipation. Also the fact that in all there were just about 3% of the objects that were unique. So instead of wasting time to find the best, it can be quite easier to just try out each and see which one actually is the best/unique.

The class moved on with each of us having to pen down our unique qualities. Apart from proving the above point it did tell us a bit more about each of us.

We eventually ended with all of us making our individual pitches for ourselves and the kind of work/product we’d like to be associated with.

“Fail early, fail often” – this is one of my take backs from the class last week. This statement personally for me means a lot, because frankly, and i believe like many, I am not comfortable with failure. In the past as well, I certainly have refrained from doing something just because to me it seemed like I would fail. And that was after i had forced my mind to choose one of the many ideas that were available as options.

Each unique

Each unique

P.S. pictures courtesy Abha Shri Saxena